Saturday, February 12, 2011

how to eat better, for the fatasses of the day

all right, first thing, I'm gonna say is, all of you are great, 41 followers and i have only been here for a week, second, to lose weight, you have to do two things, exercise  and eat better than you normally would, so lets get started, all right we all know about the eating less thing, and the six snacks a day thing, and the if it's grilled, its probably good for you, well, i'm here to tell you, that some good foods to help, are easy to find, such as if you go to mcdonalds, yea i know right, you can get the ten piece mcnuggets, a water, and a yogurt, and its actually not all that bad for you, or you can get some fish, tuna works the best, lightly fry it, serve it with some rice, and bam, healthy meal, remember, try to drink 10 bottles of water a day, if you do, it keeps your body hydrated and makes your body eliminate what it deems unnecessary such as waste and fat. so lets do this shit


  1. i normally drink out of 20 fl oz bottles

  2. Good stuff Michael, working on gettin fit.

  3. I love tuna. Actually, I should break out my old cookbook my mom gave me. It's from a fishing village, lots of fish recipes, which I canna have due to food allergies in the house :( I'll share the wealth though

  4. 10 bottles? Isn't that too much :S

  5. @jackbot, not necessarily, it all depends on your diet and your life style, on some days, i am able to drink 17-19 bottles of water a day

  6. that's a lot of water...but I'm sure it helps. and 80% of feeling hungry is actually dehydration.

  7. Great post, great tips cant wait til the next one

  8. yea i really need to start drinking more water

  9. i try to drink my 8 glasses of water a day, every day.

  10. Some good tips my man! Keep up the good work!
