Tuesday, February 8, 2011

workout of the week

all right, lets get this shit going, we are gonna start of with, and don't laugh, 150 jumping jacks, it gets a little tough around 80, after that, 3 sets of 30 pushups, 3 sets of 30 situps, 3 sets of 30 lunges( one lunge for both leg = 1) , a 45 second wall sit, followed up by 45 squats, and remember if you have dumbells, try and get at least 15 curls for each arm in between sets, do all this and get a body that bitches wanna fuck,


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. My fault, this is great cause I can do it at home, except for the squats. got anything to substitute for that?

  3. you could do what is referred to as stair steppers, if you don't have stairs, use your bed

  4. Looking solid, add some mass

  5. I'm working on it, I have gained 9 lbs in 2 weeks

  6. I've actually started my own weight loss plan myself.

  7. nice i need to try it tomorrow when I'm at the Y

  8. cool, guess I could try it out when I got some time.. need to get into a daily workout..

  9. not bad, i personally love mark rippletoe's weight gain beginner plan. works wonders for me.

  10. seems like a nice workout, probably gonna give it a try

  11. good morning workout, i'll be trying it out for myself. i used to do 100 jumping jacks everytime i went into the kitchen, and that worked out pretty well for basic cardio that i was lacking.

  12. Been looking to get in shape, your blog is now my official workout routine, dont let me down!

  13. @nukpana, i will have to try that, @andrew, ill try my best not to disappoint you
